Page 33 - NG_2018-AR.indd
P. 33

    Why is it beneficial for Donlin Gold to be located on private land in Alaska?
AWhile political instability is rising around the scholarships, and special contracting considerations
world, mines in geopolitically safe jurisdictions are becoming increasingly rare. Alaska, the second largest gold-producing state in the U.S., has a long and productive mining history with discovery and production of mineral resources being a significant part of the state’s economy. The government agencies in the state have proven their ability
to efficiently permit large mine projects while welcoming new development opportunities as a means of diversifying their economy.
Donlin Gold is located on private land owned by two Native Corporations – land that was set aside for mining activities. Calista owns the mineral rights while TKC owns the surface rights. Calista is one of
13 regional Alaska Native Corporations established as part of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. TKC was formed in 1977 by the merger of 10 ANCSA village corporations. Under ANCSA, TKC has title to extensive surface estates in the region, including most of the project lands. We believe that significant exploration potential remains in the Donlin Gold district, with prospects to increase its mine life.
Donlin Gold LLC is the operator under a mining lease agreement with Calista and a surface use agreement with TKC. Both are life-of-mine agreements and provide royalties, employment opportunities,
to Calista and TKC shareholders. Both Calista and TKC continue to be active, supportive stakeholders of the project and remain very involved in outreach activities.
With a working relationship of over 20 years, we have built a transparent and trusted partnership with both land owners, along with residents of the Y-K region. We truly appreciate the collaborative nature of our partnership with Calista and TKC and look forward to a successful future for all project stakeholders.
 “Calista feels that the project represents a significant and positive opportunity for our region and shareholders. One of our duties as a Native Corporation is to responsibly develop the land. The original Calista board, and other early regional leaders, selected this land as part of ANCSA to provide economic opportunities for our region while safeguarding our resources for
future generations.”
Andrew Guy, CEO, Calista Corporation

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