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September 2010

On the Dignity of Work

What I’ve long suspected—that American literature these days is dominated by a bunch of MFA-degreed Nancy boys who publish in + more

How Not to Write Criticism

As someone who once scraped together a modest living as a music critic, I found the premise behind this diatribe + more

Where Did You Go to Cropping School?

For years I’ve been asked the question, “Is it okay to crop a person’s forehead?” Maybe it’s time to shed + more

Write with Clarity

I’m normally not a fan of burning books, but I think I’d make an exception for The Associated Press Stylebook + more

The Most Important News You’ll Read All Day

By way of apologizing for the lack of posting over the last week or so, I’ve decided that today is + more

Quote of the Day

In my career as a professional writer, few qualities have been so needlessly celebrated by those around me as consistency. + more

Oh, to Be Normal

A couple of weeks ago I was visiting the Maryhill Museum of Art—worth the drive for the Rodin collection alone—and + more

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