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Bonus Post!

The wailing, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth continues at length over the dearth of posting of late. I + more

Nobody’s Prefect

Joseph Epstein writes about one of my favorite pastimes: finding typos in published work. Apart from the smug self-satisfaction that + more

“Planes are shifted off the orthogonal…”

Because it’s Thursday, I bring you Couch Cushion Architecture: A Critical Analysis.

Print Is Dead! (Or…is it?)

All of us in the design profession have heard about the eventual, slow death of print. It began in earnest + more

3.5″ Floppy, RIP

Something tells me that approximately 93 percent of those who read this story will be shocked to learn that someone—anyone—is + more

Lowest Prices EVER on Embarrassing Musical Genres

It’s one thing when you see a misplaced comma or apostrophe in a hand-lettered sign. But this cryptic announcement is + more

Fonts and Money

Recently, our very own Spokesman-Review ran an AP article on how fonts can actually save you money. Yes, it’s true. + more

Proofers of the World, Untie!

Proofreading is one of those under-appreciated skills that people too often dismiss as mere pedantry. But it’s not easy. Evelyn + more

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

I took part in a presentation today, and…I wore a tie. Not exactly blog-worthy news for most folks, granted, but + more

Stop What You’re Doing and Watch This Movie. Right Now.

Finally got around to seeing the 2006 German film The Lives of Others. It’s a beautiful movie—engaging in a way + more

Teachers Matter

Upon winning the Pulitzer Prize for commentary, Kathleen Parker thanks her high school English teacher. Nice touch. If I ever + more

A Recommendation

Following up on a previous post, there’s another great resource out there for writers of all stripes—even if the very + more

On Spec Work

The best description we’ve ever come across about the bane that is spec work, from Jeffrey Zeldman: “Spec = asking + more

When You Really Have to Watch Your Bottom Line…

Color me dubious, but it appears that a simple font change could save your organization big bucks. But then, if + more

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