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October 2012

So Whose Is It, Then?

How did I miss this story? A guy on the loose with someone else’s groin in his pants?!? “A suspect + more

A Day in the Life at AMD

I’m often asked whether my job is as glamorous as it sounds. “What’s it really like,” people ask, “to be + more

The Economy’s Worse than We Thought

According to President Obama’s Twitter feed, even the executive branch is having to cut back: RT if you agree: Mitt + more

Urine Luck!

Aching joints? Muscle fatigue? Shortness of breath? With the amazing Urine Wheel™, there’s no more guessing—your diagnosis is completed in + more

No Sleep for You!

With Halloween just around the corner, I got a little excited when I saw a link to “A Highbrow Halloween Reading + more

“Everything has an end; only the sausage has two.”

Feel like you’re geting the rough end of the pineapple? Don’t worry—you may yet land with your bum in the + more

When Life Imitates The Onion®

Posting’s been a little light of late, mostly on accounta we’ve been busier than a blind dog in a meat + more

It Tolls for Thee

My daughter told me a joke the other day: “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “To.” “To who?” “To whom.” Pretty good, + more

Spokane Scene no. 6

Eager patrons stand in line at the loukoumades truck at the 77th annual Greek Dinner Festival last Friday. Hosted by + more

Immodesty, Thy Name Is Facebook

One more post about Facebook, then I’m done. For reals. Try to watch this without laughing. Go on—I dare + more

With Friends Like These…

I was on Facebook once. It lasted about six months. I made connections with a couple of old high school + more

On Prescriptivists and Descriptivists

Should dictionaries tell you how language should be used? Or should they simply report on language as it’s actually being + more

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