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January 2013

Der Führer Thron

Florence, New Jersey, population 12,109, is home to one of the more unusual artifacts from World War II: Hitler’s toilet. + more

Human Contact? Who Needs It?

In 1978, a helicopter pilot spotted something deep in the Siberian wilderness that shouldn’t have been there: a large garden. + more

Bigger Vocabulary = Bigger Paycheck

Want to succeed in life? An academic at the University of Virginia recommends expanding your vocabulary. But don’t just grab + more

This Week in “Awww…”

Squee! Shetland ponies wearing cardigans made of Shetland wool! (And a video of them getting dressed for their photo shoot.) + more

The Greatest Generation Loses Another One

It’s been nearly a month now, but I can’t let another day go by without acknowledging the great Charles Durning, + more

Going Mobile*

Along with all that re-branding and name-changing and whatnot (you may have heard about it—if not, go here), it seems + more

The ABC of Architects

Since we’re in the middle of developing an exhibit on Spokane’s Mid-Century Modern architecture for our friends at the Northwest + more

Odds & Ends

So. It’s my first time posting on the new site. I think I’m finally ready. Just…please be gentle with me. + more

The Folks Behind helveticka’s Launch Video

Last week we launched our name-change video. Hopefully, you’re among those who saw it—but if you missed it, you can + more

Why Change at All?

Today marks the very first day of helveticka. (In case you missed it, here’s a link to learn more.) While + more

Time to Blow Out the Candles

Now, before you make too much fun of the photo… Celebrating one’s 25th birthday is nice and all (I should + more

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