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August 2013

“Hey, who’s that new guy?”

Hello interweb, I am Tony Kuchar, Helveticka’s new intern. Today wraps up my first week on the job, and so + more

How CK Secretly Hoped His Career Would Turn Out

I deliberately waited till the end of the workday to post a link to the awesomest collection of  “horror, sci-fi, + more

Countdown to the Apocalypse

The worst part about this isn’t the second definition. (It was already a problem in 1926, when H. W. Fowler + more

Quote of the Day

“As a young man, I harbored the populist idea of writing for the public. I learned that the public didn’t + more

What I Did on My Vacation

The weathered remains of a fire lookout, built in 1934, greeted my son and me when we reached the summit + more

Quads Only.

If you ever want to join me for a little fun on wheels after work, grab some skates (quads only) + more

From the Oatmeal

With Grammar and Spiders…the only way to fill Aaron’s really big shoes. So here’s how and why to use whom in + more

Last Week.

It is my very last week here as an intern, and it has been the most refreshing 173 hours spent. + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

While reading this blog post, I had a vague recollection of my high school English teacher making a very clear distinction between + more

Words Fail… Really, I’m not sure exactly where to begin. Is it condescending and obnoxious? Or is it just embarrassing? Or + more


While CK was gallivanting about the North Atlantic Seaboard last month (see here, here, here, here, and here for his + more

Interning—Week 7

Since my desk is placed between Shirlee and Aaron, I have had a good time just experiencing the two of + more

NYC, Part 5: I ♥ NY

All week long I’ve been sharing some highlights from my recent trip to New York City. It turns out that + more

NYC, Part 4: Helvetica—without the “k”

No other city in America can take credit for helping our favorite font become a household name. It was in the + more

NYC, Part 3: kor-BOOZE-e-yay

With several prominent museums in Manhattan, there’s never a shortage of things to see. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) + more

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