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March 2015

The Best of Show

No matter how small or large your ego is, it’s always nice to see your work recognized by your peers. And + more

Question, Answered.

Why is it important to have a mobile friendly website, you ask? According to Nielsen, “Nearly half of smartphone owners + more

Your Daily Dose of Awesome

Last week, ArchDaily shared some behind-the-scenes photos taken in the Blade Runner model shop. (For you nerds out there, the entire + more


When female restaurant servers draw a smiley face on bills, their tips increase by about 20 percent. The surprising origins + more

Internet Time Machine

If you’re up for a deep-drive today, Wayback Machine has you afternoon planned out for you. As an internet archive, + more

Between the Digital and the Physical

“Like a lot of people, I split my time now between the digital world and the physical one. My head’s + more

Flower Striptease

It’s mid-March and already the spring-time lovelies are peeking their heads out of the ground to brighten up the Pacific + more

The Glorious 70s

I know I’m supposed to be outraged (or something), but all this photo collection elicits from me is fond recollections of my + more

Type Matters

Helvetica has always had a sense of purpose. While it’s one of several great fonts at every designer’s disposal, it + more

Yay! Writerly Stuff!

Today I bring you not one, not two, but three articles with at least a tenuous connection to the writing life: Barton + more

Everything’s a Problem

If you’re one of those who wonders why so many people these days are concerned, hurt, offended, or “made uncomfortable,” + more

Songs from the Wood

The irreproachable Morgan Lynch, soon-to-be runner-up in the office chess championship, alerted me to Bartholomäus Traubeck’s modified record player that “plays” slices of wood: It’s + more

Brooks in Boise

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of presenting a lecture at Boise’s fourth annual Modern Masters series, sponsored by Preservation Idaho and Idaho + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

There’s much to disagree with in this interview with Wordnik founder and CEO Erin McKean—like when she says, “I truly believe that + more

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