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September 2015

Spokane Scene no. 16

When the missus and I set off on a short walk through Palisades Park last weekend, I fully expected that the + more

Soak it up.

Today, I bring to you one of the coolest things I saw all weekend (besides my two adorable cats snuggling + more

If CK were a blue-fin tuna…

So, CK has been in Greeley, Colorado all week, which got us thinking: “How long will it take CK to travel home from + more

Go nuts!

You can find some very interesting things on the Internet. Sometimes you specifically search for them, and sometimes, just sometimes, + more

Nintendo’s 126th Anniversary?!

So, today is Nintendo’s 126-year anniversary. Those of you who remember a time before Mario are probably doing the math in your + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

As a writer of no small renown, I’m sometimes asked whether any rules of grammar or usage still have the + more

Spokane Scene no. 15

There was apparently a bit of a kerfuffle last week when Kellita Smith, the actress who stars in SyFy’s Z + more

Guessing Game

Happy Friday, everyone! To add a bit of mystery and intrigue to your day, try guessing which mug belongs to + more

The Mysteries of Space Gray

I recently found out that what I’ve been calling a “black” iPhone all these years has a much more absurd title: “Space Gray.” + more

Cut, Bend, Punch, Powder Coat, Repeat.

More than a client, Hydrafab Northwest has been an important helveticka collaborator for several years now. Nearly all of our + more

This Week, on “Wild Kingdom”…

At this year’s Spokane County Interstate Fair, visitors can check out beef and dairy cattle (including a particularly impressive display + more

In Memoriam

Today seems like a good day to listen to Terry Riley’s One Earth, One People, One Love—one of 10 “spacescapes” + more

[Sensitive and Considerate Title Here]

This may be the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things. It’s an app that promises to help you + more

Quote of the Day

Pete Christlieb, who played the sax solo on Steely Dan’s “Deacon Blues” (Aja, 1977), on the creative process: “I went over + more

Today in History

From the diary of A. C. Benson, September 8, 1904: “A verger took a party round [York Minster], and talked + more

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