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March 2016

Poetry Break

THE VISIBLE AND THE IN- Marge Piercy Some people move through your life like the perfume of peonies, heavy and + more


Thanks to Lars Müller Publishers, the principles that shaped the career of the late Massimo Vignelli (1931–2014) into one of the 20th century’s great design + more

Spokane Scene no. 17

I’m not sure how I feel about this. I mean, of all places, a cemetery ought to offer some respite from the inexorable onslaught + more

Hey. Get Back to Work.

Time for a little reminiscing. I recently ran across these photos of my oldest daughter, Haley. Just nine months old, + more

Poetry Break

HYPERBOLICSYLLABICSESQUEDALYMISTIC Isaac Hayes I wanna come back Cause I like it like that Your modus operandi Is really all right, + more


Though we’ve been busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs around here, I can no + more

My Weekly Awesome

Throughout the week it’s easy to find cool things on the internet. Typically I share them with my coworkers, but busy days have + more

Gotta Love the Dash

The writer and I have constant disagreements on how the en dash and em dash look in a sentence – space + more

Waxing Philosophical

Q: Three women walk into a bar. Which one’s the vegan? A: Don’t worry. She’ll tell you. There are a lot + more

Jmup Aournd

I am not dyslexic, and until this morning, I could only imagine what it would be like. Thanks to this amazing link, everyone + more

Braces and Virtual Reality

I had braces in high school. And I loved them. Every day I could see my teeth moving from huge and bad + more

Could You Smile Just a Bit More?

When we complete one of our environmental graphic design projects, we often arrange for them to be photographed. And over + more

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