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June 2016

Ode to C8H10N4O2

I had my first cup of coffee when I was around eight years old. I use the term “coffee” somewhat loosely, + more

Jim Boyd, RIP

I got the terrible news this morning that Jim Boyd died Tuesday. I met Jim back in 2002 when I + more


Surprise! Selfies are little more than “a new manifestation of a time-honored tendency: the penchant for people to overvalue their positive + more

I ❤️ Ken Brooks

Last Tuesday evening, I had the privilege of sharing a few stories about one of Spokane’s mid-century modern architectural masters, Kenneth W. + more

Today in History

Sir Francis Drake, sailing off the coast of north-western California, arrives at Nova Albion, 1578: In this bay we anchored…The + more

Spokane Scene no. 19

Noticed the sky was on fire while on my evening constitutional yesterday. Figured I’d better take a photo, in case + more

Word of the Day

carapace (noun) A thick, hard shell made of bone or chitin found on animals such as turtles, crabs, and armadillos. To survive + more

Poetry Break

shizukasa ya iwa ni shimiiru semi no koe the stillness— soaking into stones cicada’s cry Matsuo Bashō (1644–1694) From The + more

Le Sigh

There’s a particularly obnoxious trend I’ve been meaning to write about for a while now, but hadn’t yet found an example + more

Courtesy of Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Over the last couple of years I’ve striven mightily to reduce the level of snark directed at public grammar/syntax/spelling/usage errors. No, + more


The passing of Muhammad Ali reminded me not only of watching some of his great boxing matches as a kid + more

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