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May 2017

Public Service Announcement

If you ever find yourself in Dillon, Montana—and really, why wouldn’t you?—do yourself a favor and stop in at the + more

It’s Not Just You: English Really Is Weird

A friend alerted me to John McWhorter’s delightful essay “English is not normal” over at Aeon. Here’s how it begins: English + more

Thank You, Captain Obvious

The correct answer to this question, of course, is “Yes.” #SavedYouAClick However, since reading “calms the nerves, increases language and + more

Say Goodbye to Workplace Productivity

As usual, I’m late to the party on this. But I just discovered Open Culture, “The best free cultural & + more

Today in History

The Reverend Sydney Smith to Lady Holland, May 23, 1811: How very odd, dear Lady Holland, to ask me to + more

The Wonder of It All

I’ve been mildly annoyed by REI’s #ForceOfNature social media campaign, if only because they seem to be trying really, really + more

So, You’re Thinking of Choosing a Font…

This is a big moment for you. For a long time, you’ve stood in the margins, watching friends and coworkers + more

On Names Good and Bad

“Consider the Oreo cookie,” wrote Harlan Ellison. “Mealy. Chocolate only in the same way that an H-bomb blast-effect is a + more

Today’s Reading Assignment

Over at Current Affairs, Nathan J. Robinson offers an impressive—and, to be honest, convicting—defense of liking stupid things. “Not everything + more


Check this out: In 2009, Richard Stephens, a psychologist at Keele University, in England, asked a group of volunteers to + more

Happy Hunting!

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and proclaim that this could very well be the coolest public sculpture project ever: + more

Word of the Day

hebdomadal (adjective) Taking place, coming together, publishing, or appearing once a week; weekly. Arriving late to helveticka’s hebdomadal staff meeting, Aaron + more


This explains why I’m easily the friendliest, kindest, and most thoughtful and empathetic person at helveticka world headquarters. Ugh: “People + more

France Defeated in Minor Battle; Wins War Anyway

It’s May 5th today. Which means all the 20-somethings will be out celebrating a fake holiday by eating Taco Bell takeout + more

A Neologism a Day Keeps the Clarity Away

This story is all kinds of stupid. But rather than delve into politics, let’s instead focus on that awful word in the + more

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