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August 2019


It’s been a week since we last posted – on accounta we’ve been busier’n a borrowed mule around here. Don’t + more

Taco Very Much

Earlier this week, a 41-year-old man died seven minutes into a taco eating contest. “We are not ruling a cause + more

It’s Like “Inception” for Punctuation Nerds

Over at the Spectator, David Crystal reviews Semicolon: The Past, Present, and Future of a Misunderstood Mark by Cecelia Watson, + more

On Aesthetic Disputes

In the seventh in a series of columns on public philosophy by Agnes Callard at The Point, she writes that + more

It’s Happening

Courtesy of the inestimable Jill Poland, who once did yeoman’s work for us here at helveticka world headquarters, comes this + more


“We’re inundated with media stories about how we’re not getting enough sleep, not spending enough time with our families and + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Because these things matter, if only to keep the barbarians beyond the gates for a little while longer: An abbreviation + more

Just One Year Ago

On August 4, 2018, helveticka celebrated its 30th anniversary. The occasion was marked by an exhibit titled CX30: Creative Experiences, + more

Thank you, Internet…

…for all things design and cat – the best of two wonderful worlds. Cat pin puns from Niaski: Pablo Picatso, + more

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