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November 2019

The More You Know

According to the Pacific Northwest Region of the Forest Service (or the person responsible for the agency’s Twitter feed, anyway), + more


John Simon, the critic who served as a model for my own foray into music criticism so many years ago, + more

Neanderthals, Barbarians, and Addicts

“I would love to know who tried it first,” writes Lee Child about opium. “I would love to know who + more

Social Media’s Good for Something. Sometimes.

Learned another word the other day—on Twitter, no less—and it’s glorious: Shambolic. My first thought was that it was a + more

‘Tis the Season (Almost)

Mind if I make a couple of year-end music recommendations? You know, just in case you need to scratch that + more


Next up: T-shirts that say “I spent nearly half a million dollars on an advertising campaign and all I got + more

More Hard-Hitting News from HCKA HQ

Just noticed that the last couple of days are pretty significant, pop culture-wise. Okay, so maybe “significant” is a bit + more

Word of the Day

No matter what else is conspiring against me—stupid deadlines, unrealistic expectations, idiotic drivers on the way to work—I count it + more

Monday Miscellany

The search for the elusive author of the 1971 cult classic novel The Dice Man. Posted here without comment: “An + more

History in the Making

One of our long-time clients marked their 75th year in business a few weeks ago. It was not only an + more


The non-word nerds in my office often have trouble with what they perceive to be a lack of consistency regarding + more

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