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February 2020

Today in History

Big day today. On February 28, 1943, eleven Norwegian soldiers took out the Vemork chemical plant, putting German nuclear scientists + more


Couple of heavy reads for y’all today. Over at Cabinet magazine, Justin E. H. Smith takes stock of his soul: + more

Garbage In, Garbage Out

“No matter where I’ve worked,” writes Molly Young in perhaps the greatest takedown of corporate-speak I’ve ever read, “it has + more

Quote of the Day

Words of wisdom from the great James Hubert “Eubie” Blake: “Be grateful for luck. Pay the thunder no mind—listen to + more

Yay! Technology!

“High-rez music streaming is one of the finest developments in the history of hi-fi,” writes Jim Austin over at Stereophile. + more

Social Media for the Win

There is a Twitter account called Wiki Titles Singable to TMNT Themesong. It is, as its name suggests, a bot + more

What to Watch

By my count, it’s been eighteen days since we last posted anything new around here. You’d think that that would + more

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