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March 2020

The Creative Life

Here’s more evidence for the theory that messiness and creativity are somehow connected: W. H. Auden was apparently a disgusting + more


A few articles to take your mind off the insanity: Allison Meier traces “the American cemetery from the colonial age + more

Might as Well Enjoy Yourselves

Not to make light of a serious situation, but I’m noticing that most people don’t seem to know what to + more

Good for What Ails You

I’ve posted this recipe before, but, honestly, this is precisely the sort of medicine we all need right now: Trinidad + more

Walk the Line

“When we give ourselves over to the art of walking,” writes John Kaag over at Aeon, “we exist in the + more

An Antidote

These are troubling times. Disconcerting, unsettling, trying—not to mention downright weird—times. So I offer a little something to take your + more

Worth a Read

“After fifty years, billions of dollars of intensive marketing campaigns, and tens of billions of dollars of profits for pharmaceutical + more

Monday Miscellany

“With [McCoy Tyner’s] death,” writes Andrew L. Shea, “we’ve lost our last living link to perhaps the greatest jazz quartet + more


The great David Gilmour turns 74 today. There are few rock guitarists with such an immediately recognizable sound—or, for that + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

About a block from helveticka world headquarters there’s a business that offers “Spokanes only 15 minute workout.” A missing apostrophe, + more

Word of the Day

bricoleur (noun; French) one who creates without the aid of a plan or strategy “Aaron’s such a brilliant writer, I’ll + more

Monday Curmudgeonry

The definition of the word privilege, like that of racism, has lately been stretched so far as to have lost + more

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