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You’re Welcome, Everyone

For today’s post, I thought about drawing your attention to the Whitman County Historical Society Lost Apple Project. Then I + more

The Gift of Music

“When one of the greatest guitarists, musicians and composers of our times offers you a free new album during a + more

At the Frontiers of Science

Daniel T. Baldassarre, assistant professor of zoology at SUNY Oswego, is asking a very important question in the latest issue + more

Art in the Time of Coronavirus

I’m pretty late to the party, but may I recommend a film to y’all? The Assassination of Jesse James by + more

And Down the Rabbit Hole We Go…

So I get a regular email from Huckberry, which normally I trash without reading because it’s usually little more than + more

I, For One, Welcome Our New Fish Overlords

The description “a deep-sea fish with a transparent head and tubular eyes” doesn’t even begin to prepare you for the + more

Tuesday Levity

I’ve learned a lot in this business—about people (we’re credulous), writing (it’s hard), and client expectations (they’re wildly optimistic). I’ve + more

Strange Days

Last week I was listening to a podcast on which one of the hosts, after watching the Netflix documentary series + more

Time to Recalibrate

Tired of all the coronavirus talk? The media’s pendulum-like swinging from despair to hope and back again; the constant barrage + more

Just Trying to Be Helpful

Sure, things are bad. But they could always be worse, right? Like, say, the Black Death of 1347–50: Everyone ran + more

The Creative Life

Here’s more evidence for the theory that messiness and creativity are somehow connected: W. H. Auden was apparently a disgusting + more


A few articles to take your mind off the insanity: Allison Meier traces “the American cemetery from the colonial age + more

Might as Well Enjoy Yourselves

Not to make light of a serious situation, but I’m noticing that most people don’t seem to know what to + more

Good for What Ails You

I’ve posted this recipe before, but, honestly, this is precisely the sort of medicine we all need right now: Trinidad + more

Walk the Line

“When we give ourselves over to the art of walking,” writes John Kaag over at Aeon, “we exist in the + more

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