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February 2021

Quote of the Day

This seems particularly appropriate for the last weekend in February (the worst of all the months, it’s only redeeming feature + more


Behold the Theremix—a “cross-platform virtual theremin” created in celebration of the 100th anniversary of  Léon Theremin’s invention. Best part about + more

Math Is Beautiful

81 is the only number* that is the square of the sum of its digits: (8 + 1)^2 = 81. + more

No Book for You!

Call me naive, but I certainly didn’t see this coming: Little Free Libraries are apparently a Bad Thing™—and the critique + more

Beeps and Boops

Usually, when I come across a story that purports to show how an underrepresented group was really responsible for the + more

The Scientific Mind at Work

In 1838, then-29-year-old Charles Darwin prepared a list of pros and cons around the question of marriage. On the plus + more

God Bless Twitter

Social media isn’t entirely terrible. If you can manage to steer clear of political tribalism and its associated posturing and + more


“You’ve been hoaxed,” writes Angus Fletcher. “Computers can’t grasp the most lucid haiku. Nor can they pen the clumsiest fairytale. + more

A Reminiscence

You’ll have to forgive me for all the depressing death posts of late, but I couldn’t not say something about + more

Thursday Eye Candy

“Enough with all the words,” I imagine most of you saying every time I post something. “Give us something cool + more

At the End of the Day, It Is What It Is

The results from a 2019 GetResponse survey, which polled 1,000 employees to determine the worse offenders in the category of + more

An All-Time Fave

I know we’re supposed to remember Hal Holbrook for his portrayal of Mark Twain during the six-decade run of his + more

Words of Wisdom

When Duke Bootee died last month, he left us with not only “the greatest song in hip-hop history” (according to + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Good news: “Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson said Thursday it has applied to the Food and Drug Administration for an + more

Harold Budd, RIP

One of my favorite composers died last December, yet another victim of this godforsaken pandemic. The irony, of course, is + more

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