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August 2021

Stop! Grammar Time!

For nearly all of my professional writing life, part of my job has included editing others’ work. During that time + more

Requiescite in pace, Mr. Watts

Speaking of Charlie Watts (you didn’t think I’d let his death pass without saying something, did you?), I think Jack + more

Butt Fluff Was Robbed!

With all the terrible stuff in the news of late—Afghanistan, COVID, the death of Charlie Watts—it’s worth remembering the words + more

Survey Says…

Want to measure your “verbal creativity”? Got four minutes? You’re in luck. The Divergent Association Task is a quick measure + more

Louder = Better

“My chief complaint against some practitioners of heavy metal guitar from the early 70s through the early 80s,” writes guitarist + more

You’ll Be Reading These until the Cows Come Home to Roost

A malaphor, according to Wiktionary, is a blend of malapropism and metaphor; “an error in which two similar figures of speech + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This is your daily reminder that premises, when referring to a tract of land together with its buildings, is already + more


Workers aren’t working in Wyoming. (Including proofreaders, it seems.) Behold! A 100-tweet thread about Friedrich Schlegel! Here’s an unrolled version + more

A Many-Splendoured Thing

The Internet is awash with terrible, terrible things, e.g. university websites, totalitarian millennials, and TikTok influencers. But sometimes—sometimes—a guy can + more

Today in History

From the diary of James Lees-Milne, August 10, 1945: I had to lunch with Charles Fry my publisher at the + more

The More You Know

From John McWhorter’s delightful Nine Nasty Words, we learn the origin of one of my all-time faves: shit. English ultimately + more

Odds and Ends

Over at the Literary Review, Adrian Tinniswood reviews James Fox’s The World According to Colour: A Cultural History, in which + more

Life’s Enduring Mysteries

Things I learned while paging through the Oregonian today: (1) Our neighbors to the south need instruction on how to + more

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