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On My Bookshelf

I’ve been reading A Year with Swollen Appendices: Brian Eno’s Diary by, well…Brian Eno. It’s literally his diary, but from + more

Six of One, Half a Dozen of the Other

On the one hand, 61 percent of Americans reported undesired weight gain during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Check out the average + more

Just a Puff Between Your Cheek and…Cheek

The practice of smoke enemas—something that “early modern Europeans in particular took up with a surprising degree of enthusiasm”—was apparently + more

One of the Greats

Somebody check the temperature in Hell. Rolling Stone has actually published something worth reading: For a brief moment in the + more

Curmudgeonly Post of the Week

In an article about my favorite record label over at City Journal, Ted Gioia closes with an astute observation about + more


In the 1930s, the USSR began building hundreds of lighthouses along its 3,500-mile arctic coastline. Eventually, neither keepers nor electricity + more

Preach, Sister!

More than five years have passed since Sandy Hingston spoke truth to power: Daylight Saving Time is killing us. It increases + more

Quote of the Day

“I have no taste for either poverty or honest labor, so writing is the only recourse left for me.” Hunter + more

And You Thought We Were the Advanced Species

Dr. Robert J. White: “Someday, God willing, medical technology will have sufficiently advanced—and the line between research and ethics appropriately + more

Lock Your Doors and Hide Your Daughters

I’m not entirely sure what sort of incantation is required to change the molecular structure of stone—or whether the boulders + more

Advice for Aspiring Writers

A new, “compulsively readable” biography of Philip Roth contains, according to reviewer Christian Lorentzen, “a blueprint for enduring literary stardom”: + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

“Omit needless words.” That’s Rule 13 in my copy of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style (second edition), and + more

I Me Mine

Forget all the social and political baggage associated with pronouns these days: Bryan Garner has some thoughts on the subject + more

Quote of the Day

This seems particularly appropriate for the last weekend in February (the worst of all the months, it’s only redeeming feature + more


Behold the Theremix—a “cross-platform virtual theremin” created in celebration of the 100th anniversary of  Léon Theremin’s invention. Best part about + more

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