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random thoughts


“Everything they said to each other, how they interacted, was nothing but a dance. It was hilarious to watch two + more

“Baffling in Its Ineptitude”

If you experience fits of schadenfreude whenever pretentious artsy-fartsy types get their comeuppance—and who doesn’t, really?—you’re gonna love this account of + more


Thanks to a little help from the latest book by Rich Landers, the missus and I spent a good chunk + more

It’s Not My Fault!

One of the few Gen-X characteristic that actually applies to me is slacker.* I’m about as lazy and unambitious as + more

The Magical, Mystical Camelopardalis

“The world is a wild and unlikely place,” writes Katherine Rundell in a short but delightful essay in the latest + more

Cheer Up!

Think things are bad now? They’re going to get a lot worse, according to data nerd/pine beetle expert Peter Turchin. + more

Shelf Awareness

Over at The Millions, Ed Simon writes about an anxiety that is all too real to me: a fear concerning + more

Music and Neuroscience

When I’m listening to Arvo Pärt’s Da Pacem Domine and I get goosebumps on my arms and feel prickly sensations + more

“And I think to myself / What a wonderful world”

A heart-shaped cattle brand, first recorded on February 10, 1873 and registered to O. C. Whitney of Ennis, Montana—and owned + more


“That the dead do not always stay dead continues to rankle the scientifically minded.” An interview with Brian Eno, whose + more

Take a Moment

“Quiet moments are when we put time aside to be quiet,” writes Robert Fripp about his ambient music series on + more

Do’s and Don’ts

DO read: While spending a few days camping on Long Beach back in July, the missus and I found ourselves + more

Today in History

On October 23, 1642, Jacob Astley, 1st Baron Astley of Reading and Royalist Commander in the First English Civil War, + more

“I said my prayers and went to bed / That’s the last they saw of me…”

Out of concern for my wellbeing, my buddy Dave alerted me to some sobering news: Deadheads are being murdered at + more

A Glimmer of Hope

A pandemic with no end in sight. Riots in the streets. Families and friendships torn apart by rank political partisanship. + more

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