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random thoughts

Yay! Technology!

“High-rez music streaming is one of the finest developments in the history of hi-fi,” writes Jim Austin over at Stereophile. + more

Social Media for the Win

There is a Twitter account called Wiki Titles Singable to TMNT Themesong. It is, as its name suggests, a bot + more

What to Watch

By my count, it’s been eighteen days since we last posted anything new around here. You’d think that that would + more

Frequently Asked Questions about Your Craniotomy

“If you’re reading this page,” writes Mary South, “chances are you’ve recently heard that you need to have a craniotomy. + more

“Inexpensive, widely available, and completely familiar.”

When I was a kid, my over-educated nerd of a stepfather grew orchids for fun. The greenhouse in the back + more

Monday Miscellany

A word of warning: Unless you’ve got a lot of time on your hands, don’t—really, just don’t—visit The Dick Cavett + more

Shots Fired!

Pretty sure I’ve said this before, but there are few things more satisfying than a well-written, well-argued takedown of an + more

Brrr 🥶

Looks like winter has finally arrived. With the snow falling outside of our Spokane office (6-8 inches expected today with + more

“I’m getting better! I feel fine!”

Over at The Critic, Dominic Green makes a case for the death of rock and roll—40 years ago. While I + more

[barfing-face emoji]

Well, we had a pretty good run, humanity. After watching this, I’d say we as a species deserve to die + more

Well hello there, 2020

Welcome back, folks. How were the holidays? Restful? Good. Let’s get back into the swing of things with the latest + more

Just Trying to Help…

Over at SlashFilm, Jeremy Mathai spends more than 2,500 words “investigating” the correct order in which to watch all the + more


Nearly twenty-five years since the publication of the final Far Side panel, Gary Larson is back, baby. Well…sort of. The + more

2019 in Review

It’s that wonderful time of year, when, well…pretty much anyone with an opinion is more than willing to tell you + more


Remember how, way back in July, I told you about the upcoming launch of a WSU-bred apple 22 years in + more

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