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random thoughts

The More You Know

According to the Pacific Northwest Region of the Forest Service (or the person responsible for the agency’s Twitter feed, anyway), + more

‘Tis the Season (Almost)

Mind if I make a couple of year-end music recommendations? You know, just in case you need to scratch that + more

More Hard-Hitting News from HCKA HQ

Just noticed that the last couple of days are pretty significant, pop culture-wise. Okay, so maybe “significant” is a bit + more

Monday Miscellany

The search for the elusive author of the 1971 cult classic novel The Dice Man. Posted here without comment: “An + more

Quote of the Day

“Shyness is the tentative sound of the orchestra tuning up before the symphony begins.” Nick Cave (While we’re at it, + more


“One warning,” writes Deniz Cem Önduygu about his interactive timeline of philosophy. “Browsing this visual summary cannot substitute reading a + more

Apropos of Nothing, Really…

The missus and I were watching an episode of the new season of Peaky Blinders the other night, and I noticed + more

Every Musical Genre Has Its Keith Richards

You’ve heard of Bach, right? Johann Sebastian? That rather dour-looking Baroque composer of cantatas, oratorios, and liturgical music? Turns out + more

Hey CK, I’m gonna need an advance on my paycheck…

More than a thousand guitars, amps, and assorted gear belonging to the late Walter Becker will be auctioned this weekend + more

A Portrait of the Music Snob as a Young Man

Big milestone in music history today: On October 10, 1969—exactly fifty years ago—King Crimson released its debut album, In the + more

Fright Night

There are few things that truly terrify me. Falling into a giant vat of mayonnaise is one; being trapped in + more

Weekend Miscellany

According to Jack Kelly over at Forbes, it really doesn’t matter whether you go to college: you’ll earn about the + more

Dio benedica l’Italia

In the small towns of eastern Tuscany—where I recently spent the better part of a week—a cappuccino can be had + more

This weekend is supposed to be chilly.

With a cold weekend ahead, why not just decide now to head over to the Greek Festival (if you live + more

God Bless America

Just got back from a glorious two-week vacation, during which time the missus and I drove more than 3,000 miles, + more

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