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random thoughts

Because, mountains.

A trip home was long overdue, especially one filled with family, fishing, glaciers, hiking, and camping. And my visit last + more

Life Lessons from Peanuts

As a kid, I didn’t just look like Charlie Brown—I was Charlie Brown: loser, misfit, blockhead. Probably why I loved + more


It’s been a week since we last posted – on accounta we’ve been busier’n a borrowed mule around here. Don’t + more

Taco Very Much

Earlier this week, a 41-year-old man died seven minutes into a taco eating contest. “We are not ruling a cause + more

On Aesthetic Disputes

In the seventh in a series of columns on public philosophy by Agnes Callard at The Point, she writes that + more


“We’re inundated with media stories about how we’re not getting enough sleep, not spending enough time with our families and + more

Thank you, Internet…

…for all things design and cat – the best of two wonderful worlds. Cat pin puns from Niaski: Pablo Picatso, + more

Travis Rivers, RIP

When I entered Eastern Washington University in the fall of 1985 as a freshman music major, I had no idea + more

Pagans and Heathens and Hippies, Oh My!

Over at The Baffler, there’s a great piece by Edward Millar and John Semley on one of my favorite films + more

What Goes Around…

Kevin Drum’s helpful “Short Primer on Modern Nuclear Reactor Design” includes a mention of thermal breeders – a type of + more

The Dark Side of Marketing

“The Cosmic Crisp is debuting on [sic] grocery stores after this fall’s harvest,” writes Brooke Jarvis in The California Sunday + more

It’s Happening

Asteroid OD 2019, an Apollo-type NEO (Near Earth Object), is scheduled to do a fly-by tomorrow around 6:30 a.m. Pretty + more


Lionel Shriver on the menace of “semantic drift.” Kevin Dettmar reports from The World of Bob Dylan Symposium, a four-day + more

Bang a Gong

“Creating a Gong,” according to Paiste, “is a dedication to the deeper meaning of the structured, focused vibrations which unfold + more

A Fragile State

Apart from being a talented designer, our own Steven Kutsch is an amateur mountaineer, recovering Red Bull addict, and Saw + more

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