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random thoughts

An Early Remembrance. And a Poem.

It’s a little early for an Armistice Day post, but I was so moved by this short reflection by Jay + more

Art Update

“Rarely was the practical task of textile creation considered an artistic pursuit,” writes Kylie Warner. “One woman changed that.” Anni + more

Poetry Break

I PRAY FOR COURAGE Leonard Cohen I pray for courage Now I’m old To greet the sickness And the cold + more


A “striking image and a few well-chosen words still have the power to influence,” writes Michael Watts about Uncovered, a history of + more

Eyes Wide Open

Before Stanley Kubrick’s rise to fame as a filmmaker, he was a photojournalist for Look magazine. He began in 1945—when he was + more

Monday Musings

I got an email today from my local Subaru dealership. I wouldn’t ordinarily mention this sort of thing—they send at + more

Support Your Local Bookstore

Looks like my parents got at least one thing right: “A new large-scale study, featuring data from 31 countries…finds the advantages + more


This is dumb. This is even dumber. (I’d try to explain why I’m immune to Banksy’s purported charms, but I’m + more

Curmudgeonly Rant

Not that anyone cares, but here are three somewhat-related things I was stewing about on my walk today: First, an + more

Mischief in Massachussetts

Over at the New Yorker, Ian Crouch writes about the “slight profundity” of the latest corporate name change: “[Dunkin’] joins + more

Quote of the Day

Carl Trueman, professor in the Alva J. Calderwood School of Arts and Letters at Grove City College, Pennsylvania, begins his upper-level humanities + more

Happy Friday!

Apropos of yesterday’s blog post, in which we noted that civilizational collapse is pretty much right on schedule, here’s more + more

We’re Doomed

Fancy a quick look at what’s happening around the world? According to Mother Nature Network, it appears that the end of the + more

“Get up (get on up)…”

Francis Fukuyama is a veritable quote machine. (Sort of like this, only…different.) Here are a few choice nuggets from a + more

I Want to Believe

“Conspiracy theories,” writes Clare Coffey over at the estimable New Atlantis, “obsesses [sic] over human history and insist that it + more

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