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random thoughts

A Very Fine Artist

On a morning walk in the Queen Anne area of Seattle earlier this year, my wife Linda and our daughter + more

Post-Memorial Day Miscellany

The great Andrew Ferguson on today’s “futile and stupid gesture from Starbucks.” These days, efficiency is king. So what’s with + more

Apparently, Only Art Can Save Us Now

In the May 8 issue of The New York Times Magazine, Lauren Oyler asks an important question: What do we mean + more

Three Reasons to Eat Cake Today

Check this out: Richard Wagner and Arthur Conan Doyle share a birthday today, which, coincidentally, is the same day Sun Ra + more

Goodbye, Productivity

So. You’re an Egyptian Fatimid in the 11th Century and you need to get a load of spices, gold, slaves, + more

Miscellany for Your Weekend

Did you catch Tim Cook’s commencement speech at Duke? No? Sounds like you didn’t miss much. Poet Voice: “scourge of + more

Words of Wisdom

“When a new thing…is presented us our first criticisms are not our truest, best, most homefelt, or most lasting but + more

What a Life

From yesterday’s New York Times: Robert N. Hall’s legacy can be found at almost every checkout counter—that little red blinking + more

And…we’re back.

Yeah, I know, it’s been a month since we last posted anything—a new record, if I’m not mistaken. But we’ve + more

Happy Thursday, Everyone

While police are investigating reports of zombie raccoons in Youngstown, Ohio, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is “surprised + more


Today’s miscellany is all about music. So if you don’t dig on tunes, you can go ahead and stop reading + more

Quote of the Day

“Good work is always rare, because the iron law of talent is that a few have a lot, some have + more

You’re welcome, everyone.

The Norks have nukes, there’s an Oompa Loompa in the White House, and Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos are a + more

Monday Miscellany

“Contrary to popular opinion,” writes Ian Bogost in the Atlantic, “malls are great, and they always were.” Did you know + more

Music for the Month of February

So we’re midway through Black History Month, which can be pretty intimidating for white folk like me in an era + more

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