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random thoughts

Quote of the Day

“A smart person who is given a five-hour job by their boss at four o’clock in the afternoon will get + more

Odds and Ends

Based on this interactive map from the good folks at, Utah is a terrible place to spend your childhood. + more

Run, Don’t Walk, to Your Nearest Theater

I saw Blade Runner in 1982 at the Liberty Theater in Lewiston, Idaho. (Apparently, there weren’t that many of us + more

Music Recommendation

Back in 2001 when I was writing music criticism for the Local Planet, my editor gave me a copy of + more

“In 1973, I invented a ‘girly drink’…”

“The initial thought behind Baileys Irish Cream took about 30 seconds,” writes David Gluckman in the Irish Times. “In another 45 + more


“Fears are growing in Sweden over packs of radioactive wild boar moving north, ravaging forests and farmland.” We should probably + more

5 Proven Ways to Procrastinate for the Next 30 Minutes

Because it’s Thursday—which means we’re mere hours from Friday—and because the boss is out of town, we’ve decided that a + more

Quote of the Day

The function of music, says Wadada Leo Smith, is “to transform that [observer’s] life in just an instant, so that + more


Cooking with Nikolai Gogol: “Delicious beyond description!…Pies you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams: they melt in your mouth! And + more

The Dr. Seuss You Don’t Want Your Kids to See

So much has been written about the wisdom of Theodor Geisel’s words, crafted for the delight of kids but, at + more

Awesomeness: A Philosophical Inquiry

“A good person is great; but an awesome person—they’re on another level. I’m all for tasty sandwiches; but I’d rather have an awesome one. + more

Today in History

Lord Byron to Lady Melbourne, September 25, 1812: As to Annabella [Milbanke, his future wife] she requires time and all + more

The Death of Criticism?

The other day I said some disparaging things about The Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird—something about + more

Sounds About Right

“I miss the English,” says Martin Amis from his home in Manhattan. “I miss Londoners. I miss the wit.” So + more

Monday Miscellany

So, basically, Pow! was Brian Epstein. Or George Martin. Or Pete Best. Or Stuart Sutcliffe… “Playful urination practices—from seeing how + more

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