In a 1935 letter to his New York gallerist, Wassily Kandinsky made a bold claim: “Indeed,” he wrote of a + more
In a 1935 letter to his New York gallerist, Wassily Kandinsky made a bold claim: “Indeed,” he wrote of a + more
On Sunday, September 3, the missus and I pointed our trusty Subaru southeast toward Greeley, Colorado for a week-long series + more
Someone has finally deciphered the Voynich manuscript! Or…has he? “Long ago, in the ancient city of Cyrene, there was a herb + more
Whether buying a house or auditioning potential mates, Goethe has some advice for you: “Choose well. Your choice is brief + more
Echo is on display at the University of Northern Colorado’s Mariana Gallery—and it’s pretty amazing. Artist Dylan Gebbia-Richards covered the + more
I returned from a camping trip this weekend to learn of Walter Becker’s untimely death. For a certain kind of + more
When Skooch told me about this, I didn’t believe him. Nobody, I said, is that dumb—nobody. Turns out I grossly + more
Georgia is apparently one of the least-restrictive countries when it comes to drone photography. But that’s all changing a week + more
Clearly, the good folks over at the Guardian read this blog. I mean, how else would you explain this, published + more
Thanks to a drier than normal summer, the huckleberries weren’t nearly as big—nor as plentiful—as in years past. And for + more
For no reason whatsoever, here are some random bits of completely useless trivia. Feel free to astound your friends with + more
Jean M. Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, has been analyzing generational data going back to the + more