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random thoughts

OMG That Cake is SRSLY Mondrian.

A pattern of vertical and horizontal black lines. Primary colors. Straight-sided geometric shapes. Asymmetric balance. Simple enough composition, yet in + more

I’ll Be Brief

Ah brevity, the silver stag we chase through the woods; the tightrope we walk between too much and too little. + more

Skooch’s Movie Pick of the Week

Just like in Seinfeld, I’m going to provide you with a movie pick of the week ­– but with a + more

Those Stuffy Museums

It’s always interesting to visit museums, especially when traveling to a city you’re experiencing for the first time. On a + more

Monday Musings

I came across the following Latin phrase in my weekend reading: esse quam videri. Loosely translated, it means “to be + more

Speaking of Boxing

­Around here, we do words as well as we can. And sometimes we do them pretty well, though we try + more


Why anyone would need “Ten Ways to Organize Your Bookshelf” is beyond me, since there is only one correct way to + more

This Year’s Vacation Rocked

One of the side benefits of this job (apart from the piles of cash and the constant attention from the + more

On Dominance and Submission

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I recently returned from an epic road trip that took the missus and me + more

On the Road

Just got back from a two-week vacation—a rambling road trip covering more than 5,300 miles across a dozen states, mostly + more

Another Dose of Nostalgia

Last week (6.26), Courtney shared with us this link, taking us to a world that many have forgotten. This week, I’ll + more

Things I Saw Downtown, Walking On My Lunch Break

Beside the meter ­the lady fishes for her keys, legs painted Pantone 163.   Within the underpass, city sleepers spoon + more

Monday Monsters

While enjoying my coffee this morning I found this and it made me smile. And then it made me sentimental + more

The Sad State of Musical Criticism in 2017

Remember how last week I alerted you to Kalefa Sanneh’s New Yorker article on progressive rock? Now Forbes is getting in on + more


Stephen Phelan on the world’s deadliest motorcycle race: On the first lap, rider No. 63, Jochem van den Hoek, rocketed + more

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