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random thoughts

Prog is dead. Long live prog!

The subtitle of Kelefa Sanneh’s New Yorker article on progressive rock reads “Critics think that the genre was an embarrassing dead end. So + more

Seinfeld 2020: Make America Aloof Again

I am not a hugger. It’s not just because I’m an introvert, though I’m sure that has something to do + more

Quote of the Day

“Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your + more

Spokane Scene no. 25

Knothead Loop is a seven-mile hike that rewards you with Indian petroglyphs, gorgeous views, and plenty of wildlife—and it’s only a half-hour drive from downtown + more


Terry Teachout reports on a “trivial little exercise in inter-generational trolling” he undertook on Twitter last week. The results are + more

“A Tiny Masterpiece”

“Robert Rauschenberg,* who once said that he wanted to make the biggest drawing in the world, also created one of + more

Public Service Announcement

If you ever find yourself in Dillon, Montana—and really, why wouldn’t you?—do yourself a favor and stop in at the + more

Thank You, Captain Obvious

The correct answer to this question, of course, is “Yes.” #SavedYouAClick However, since reading “calms the nerves, increases language and + more

Say Goodbye to Workplace Productivity

As usual, I’m late to the party on this. But I just discovered Open Culture, “The best free cultural & + more

The Wonder of It All

I’ve been mildly annoyed by REI’s #ForceOfNature social media campaign, if only because they seem to be trying really, really + more

On Names Good and Bad

“Consider the Oreo cookie,” wrote Harlan Ellison. “Mealy. Chocolate only in the same way that an H-bomb blast-effect is a + more

Today’s Reading Assignment

Over at Current Affairs, Nathan J. Robinson offers an impressive—and, to be honest, convicting—defense of liking stupid things. “Not everything + more


Check this out: In 2009, Richard Stephens, a psychologist at Keele University, in England, asked a group of volunteers to + more


This explains why I’m easily the friendliest, kindest, and most thoughtful and empathetic person at helveticka world headquarters. Ugh: “People + more

France Defeated in Minor Battle; Wins War Anyway

It’s May 5th today. Which means all the 20-somethings will be out celebrating a fake holiday by eating Taco Bell takeout + more

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