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random thoughts

What’s Next? Pre-Chewed Food?

If you’re someone who thinks that the very existence of President Donald J. Trump is proof of the coming apocalypse, + more


Is life a problem to be solved, with happiness awaiting those who solve it? No. And…no. In fact, “optimizing one’s life and + more

Ode to Billy Joel

Over at The Atlantic, Adam Chandler describes the scene at a Billy Joel concert: A mother tries to cajole her + more

So THAT’s why CK smells funny today…

Happy Weed Day, everyone. In the fall of ’71 Waldo Steve was given a treasure map to a patch of + more


The subhead of this article says it all: “What began as an attempt at a simpler life quickly became a + more

The B.S. Goes to 11

Jeff Koons is unveiling his latest project, and, from the sounds of it, well…let’s just let him describe it: “They touch + more

Today in History

Lord Byron to Thomas Moore, from Venice, April 11, 1817: My late physician, Dr Polidori, is here on his way + more

Fake News

Pretty much everything about this article, written two years ago and shared over a hundred thousand times since, is wrong. “While + more

The Whole World’s Gone Nuts

The truly jaw-dropping line in this story about pet plastic surgery isn’t the one about botox for Dobermans’ ears. Nor + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Which pronoun is best when referring to a person: who or that? For a long time, I’ve labored under that + more


“Billy Joel, bald and glistening, looks like a big, smooth stone, as if the years and the sorrows, like so + more

Music for All Time

I vividly recall the thrill of discovering Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony—with Toscanini conducting the NBC orchestra and the Robert Shaw Chorale—as an eight-year-old + more

Assume Nothing

I’m really, really sorry to bring politics up. But this is pretty dang interesting. Someone restaged the 2016 Trump-Clinton debates with + more

Going Swimming? Urine for a Surprise

How much pee is in our swimming pools? Up to 75 liters, it turns out. Which seems like a lot—until + more

Odds and Ends from an “Arch-Genius”

David Gelernter, Yale University computer scientist and subject of one of the stupider (not to mention more lazily partisan) newspaper headlines in + more

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