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random thoughts

Kurotani Washi

Not entirely sure what’s happening here. (I mean, I know they’re making paper. But how…?) Yet despite my limited capacity for + more

“Nostalgia for Now”

Writing in The Wilson Quarterly, Brandon Ambrosino asks an important question: “If, in the smartphone age, our only experience of + more

Frisson? Or Frissoff?

And all this time I thought this was perfectly normal: [R]esearchers found that the brains of individuals who occasionally feel a + more

Say Goodbye to Your Afternoon

This is not only strangely beautiful, but also weirdly satisfying. According to the description, this is “Popping Popcorn at 30,000 Frames + more

Better than a Puffy Down Jacket

So the mean temperature in Spokane this last Saturday was 7°F. And Sunday was even colder. But that didn’t prevent me from stepping + more


From the Department of Redundancies Department: Local residents reject Swiss citizenship request of an “annoying” vegan with a “big mouth.” + more

A Resolution Worth Sticking To

So the missus and I decided to go crazy this year with the Mother of Resolutions: We’re going to read + more

1980 5-Franc Coin

In the U.S. alone, there are trillions of coins in circulation. When taking into account the rest of the world, + more

Merry Christmas, Everyone

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, sure, but it’s awfully hard to enjoy it when so many people have + more

Warning! Sensitive Material in This Post!

“Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas”? While schools and businesses are far more inclined to use the former lest they offend someone, + more

Poetry Break

LET QUACKS, EMPIRICS, DOLTS DEBATE T. S. Eliot Let quacks, empirics, dolts debate The quandaries of Church and State. Let + more

2016 in Music

The first step, they say, is admitting you have a problem. Mine is albums and books—as in purchasing too damn many + more


Though it’s been about ten years since I landed in Washington, I will always be an Alaskan. Lately, I miss it. A + more

Thanksgiving in Yellowstone: A (Very Brief) Photo Essay

Best time to visit Yellowstone? When the temperature dips into the 20s. That’s when most folks don’t want to bother—but + more

Weekend Feasting

After a four day stretch of eating I decided I’d skip breakfast this morning and give my body a little + more

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