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random thoughts

Just When You Think You Know Someone…

“The name’s Anderson. CK Anderson.” Those who’ve met our fearless leader rarely question his nom de guerre, likely assuming some + more

Mose Allison, RIP

I’ll just come right out and admit it: When I bought Ever Since the World Ended, Mose Allison’s 1987 album for + more


“pan y rosas discos is a netlabel out of chicago that focuses on experimental, noise, improvisation and weirdo rock.” If + more

A Fitting Tribute

In honor of Veterans Day—and mindful of Aldous Huxley’s maxim that “after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the + more


“Knavery,” wrote England’s King George III to Lord Shelburne on this day in 1782, “seems to be so much the striking + more

Starbucks Famous

We love Starbucks. Their branding, packaging, store, merchandise, and hell, we even love their commercials. We. Love. Starbucks. We also + more

Spokane Scene no. 23

Just another autumn afternoon at Lincoln Park, a little oasis in the midst of South Hill suburbia. Of its 50-odd acres, + more

Get Outside while You Still Can

With Tri-Cities area daytime temperatures still in the 50s and 60s, now’s a great time to explore the Hanford Reach + more

Today in History

From the diary of Samuel Pepys, October 13, 1660: “I went out to Charing Cross, to see Major-General Harrison hanged, + more

Spokane Scene no. 22

Delanna Studi moderates a panel discussion following a screening of the 1998 film Smoke Signals at the inaugural One Heart Native + more


“Some people covet it, others flee from it,” writes Marc Abrahams, editor, Annals of Improbable Research. “Some see it as a hallmark + more

Growing Up Alaskan

Occasionally my dad sends pictures updating me on his life. As a bush pilot of 36-plus years working in Alaska, + more

What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Part III

For our third and final hike of the week, the missus and I headed to North Idaho’s Selkirk Crest. As + more

What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Part II

About five years ago I read a book entitled White Cascade: The Great Northern Railway Disaster and America’s Deadliest Avalanche. In fact, I + more

What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Part I

When CK returned from his vacation last month, he regaled us all with tales of German architecture, Italian opera, and Swiss design. (You can + more

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