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random thoughts


“Everybody kills Hitler on their first trip. I did.” An oldie but goodie. Sexy Halloween costumes that shouldn’t exist. This + more

Watch yourself waste time with Factoclock

I’ve found my newest time-wasting obsession: Factoclock. “You learn something new every minute.” Here’s a few of the things I learned + more

Truth-Bomb Tuesday

Dear Millennials, this is why everyone else hates you. Dear everyone else, this is why you should be nicer to + more

Music Monday

I’m just going to say it: There isn’t a guitar player alive who can touch Guthrie Govan. (And to be honest, I’m + more

Drawing Makes Us Happy

Over the last few weeks, Morgan and I have been scribbling away in a Field Notes book, generously donated by Mr. + more

Be Excellent to Each Other

Today I attended a talk by Justin Ahrens, principal and creative director at Rule 29 out of Illinois. The topic of Justin’s + more

Quote of the Day

“A certain bishop in the House of Lords rose to speak, and announced that he should divide what he had + more


The rules are simple: 1) Make a drawing in ink 2) Post it 3) Hashtag it with #inktober 4) Repeat + more


Last Friday, 8,200 people filed into the old Cracker Company building for Terrain 8, the 8th annual one-day art extravaganza. Terrain + more

Word of the Day

Weltanschauung (noun; Ger.) The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world; the sum of one’s essential views. Morgan + more

Thanks A Lot, Pixar

I had such high hopes for 4 Design Lessons From The Pixar Team. I was all like, “Wow. I love + more

Spokane Scene no. 16

When the missus and I set off on a short walk through Palisades Park last weekend, I fully expected that the + more

Soak it up.

Today, I bring to you one of the coolest things I saw all weekend (besides my two adorable cats snuggling + more

If CK were a blue-fin tuna…

So, CK has been in Greeley, Colorado all week, which got us thinking: “How long will it take CK to travel home from + more

Go nuts!

You can find some very interesting things on the Internet. Sometimes you specifically search for them, and sometimes, just sometimes, + more

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