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random thoughts

Fight! Fight!

Sebastian Thrun sounds downright triumphalist in his Pacific Standard post about artificial intelligence: We need to prepare for a world + more

Highway 95 Revisited

I drove to Lewiston last Sunday to say goodbye to a friend. Just two days later, she was gone. No + more

Amber Waves

When you think of Whitman County—if you think about it at all—chances are your mind conjures up images of rolling farmland + more

In Praise of Boredom

“The world into which I was born no longer exists, of course.” Thus begins a thoughtful essay by author Claire Messud in + more

New Music

I’ve long eschewed the music of Philip Glass, in part because it’s always sounded so…pedestrian. He’s the classical-music composer you listen + more

In God’s Country

I’m not from around here, so I don’t have the advantage of multigenerational lake cabin ownership. And since CK pays + more

Mumm’s the Word

On a recent wine tour in Napa, Linda and I had an opportunity to not only taste some of Mumm + more

I’m sorry. You were saying…?

I spent much of the holiday weekend reading Neal Stephenson’s science fiction epic Seveneves. There’s a lot to love about the + more

New Music

Somehow I missed last year’s Taming the Dragon by Brad Mehldau and Mark Giulana. Thankfully, my son came to the rescue. I’m just gonna + more

32 Years Ago…

Long before helveticka began working with Bouten Construction, I had a minor connection to them. My home town of Chewelah was + more

Randolph Denard Ornette Coleman, RIP

“For me,” said Ornette Coleman, “composing is a way of keeping up with not repeating.” Coleman, the innovative saxophonist who “liberated jazz + more

Digging in the Dirt

One of helveticka’s longest client relationships is with Hecla Mining Company. Its founding in 1891 makes Hecla the oldest precious metals company in + more

For Sale: Nazi Panties

Eva Braun’s unmentionables are “first rate: the fabric, embroidery and monogramming, the sewing of the button,” says Ernie Scarango. And they + more

“I got the ha hamburger midnight blues”

Over at Helveticahaus, intern/apprentice/go-to gal Morgan Lynch has a great post on the true meaning of National Hamburger Day. What? + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

It seems a lot of people are confused about the difference between singular and plural possessives—and wonder where the heck the apostrophe + more

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