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random thoughts

Monday Miscellany

Only in Florida: A quadruple amputee is “armed and on the run” from authorities, a shoplifter managed to stuff a chainsaw down his + more

Poetry Break

We talked a little last week about poetry and rhythm, and it occurred to me afterward that poetry is an awful + more


Because it’s Friday—and because the 70s were awesome—I bring you Sean Connery in what is quite possibly his finest role ever: + more

Happy Halloween

My family has a couple of Halloween traditions, if you want to call them that: We eat chili and listen + more

How Do You Say “Latrine” in French?

It’s dark, hot, musty, and noisy. Other than that, working at an underground mine site is a piece of cake. + more

Quick Recommendation

I prefer not to categorize books. Like music, they’re either good or bad, and discussions about genres and sub-genres tend + more

Musical Interlude

I was in Seattle Monday and Tuesday, in town to see the final show of the King Crimson Elements tour. Tickets went on sale + more

Let me show you some letterheads

Letterheads, we make them all the time here at helveticka. However, I think if you asked a random 20-something (i.e. + more

Tuesday Miscellany

From Mad no. 154 (October 1972): “The Mad Guide to Political Types.” The terrifying tale of The Hound of Mons has + more


There’s a quiz over at that purports to determine what font you are. It’s a multiple-choice thing with really dumb answers + more

Winter Is Coming

On September 16, 1805—209 years ago today—the Lewis and Clark expedition was crossing the Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mountains, somewhere + more

Happy Birthday, Bouten

Bouten Construction Company turns 70 this year, and last week they invited a couple hundred of their closest friends to the Spokane Convention Center’s + more

The Week that Was: September 5 Edition

The headline says it all: “Underwear-stealing ghosts made my life hell.” The best line of the story, though? “I thought + more


I guess football season is starting? Like…tonight? And the Seahawks are somehow involved? I’ll admit it: I just don’t find it + more

helveticka endorses…

“All work and no play,” wrote Jack Torrance (over and over and over again), “makes Jack a dull boy.” So do + more

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