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random thoughts

Labor Day Weekend Miscellany

“I’ll bet there are lots of people who would try—and enjoy—squirrel brains if they thought nobody would find out.” I’ll + more

In a Night Forest

Nils Petter Molvær has been one of my favorite musicians for a while now, and Lucid Dream—a “one-of-a-kind new audiovisual installation” + more

Quote of the Day

“Since music is a language with some meaning, at least for the immense majority of mankind, although only a tiny + more

Spec These Spectacles

As a dude who wears glasses I would totally rock these Helvetica frames. Brought to you by Type, a line + more

Sobering Words on a Friday Afternoon

“The relationship between the intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley has historically been very cozy. The former head of Facebook security + more

Inventories of War

Photographer Thom Atkinson has documented British soldiers’ kit over the last millennium, from the Battle of Hastings (1066) to Helmland + more

The Week that Was

News from around the world: Just as it seemed Brooklyn couldn’t get any weirder, a jogger makes a gruesome discovery… + more

Eye (and Ear) Candy

Steven Wilson’s The Raven that Refused to Sing is number 9 in Prog magazine’s list of the 100 greatest prog albums of + more

Field of Dreams

Back when I was a callow youth, July and August meant one thing: harvest. I drove both truck and combine + more

Happy Birthday, Jerry

Back in 1942, BBC Radio broadcast the first episode of “Desert Island Discs,” a weekly program that asked guests to choose eight pieces + more

New Music

How’s about some Big Bill Broonzy—as interpreted by brothers Dave and Phil Alvin*—to start the weekend? It’s a little tune called “Saturday Night + more

This Day in History

T. H. White’s July 23, 1934 diary entry, which he later published in England Have My Bones, a memoir about country living: “There is something + more

Every Noise at Once

Ever wonder what an “algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space, based on data tracked and analyzed for 1251 genres” + more

The REALLY Deep South

“What I was hearing didn’t sound like it came from someone of this generation, even of this century. I was + more

Charlie Haden, RIP

One of American music’s singular voices has been silenced: I just got an email announcing the death this morning of + more

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