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random thoughts


Apropos of absolutely nothing, my son informs me that there’s a striking resemblance between our erstwhile intern Tony Kuchar… …and German + more

The Year in Music

Like I mentioned last week, this is the time of year when you can’t throw a stick without hitting a + more

Hey, baby. What’s your type?

I’ve taken several versions of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment over the years, and have always come up with the same + more

Quote of the Day

“There is no technology, no time-saving device that can alter the rhythms of creative labor. When the worth of labor + more

Wisdom from an Unlikely Place

Perhaps the headline is a little unfair. But, generally speaking, “smart celebrity” is an oxymoron on the order of “Microsoft + more

Did You Miss Us?

Not sure what to make of this: In the two weeks (!) since since our last blog post, there’s been + more

Word of the Day

sciolist (noun) One whose knowledge or learning is superficial; a pretender to scholarship. “It’s clear from the narrative portion of + more

Spokane Scene no. 10

The best part of Spokane’s annual Fall Folk Festival are the impromptu jam sessions that spring up anywhere there’s room + more


Because I was a dork long before it was cool, acute schadenfreude is really the only possible response to a story like this. + more

Hanford Ghosts

Apart from a few streets and sidewalks, the concrete and stucco shell of Hanford High School is all that remains + more

The Loneliness of a Mostly Decommissioned Nuclear Production Complex

Another shot from our Hanford tour. (Check out yesterday’s post for a quick explanation.) Off in the distance you can see the + more

It’s That Time Again

So. Daylight Saving Time comes mercifully to a close this weekend—2 a.m. Sunday morning, to be precise. Right up there + more

Word of the Day

exiguous (adjective) Scant; meager. Prior to Michelle’s Costco trip yesterday, provisions at helveticka’s world headquarters were somewhat exiguous, leaving employees + more

Happy Birthday, Teo

Teo Macero was born on this day in 1925. A jazz saxophonist and composer in his own right, Macero is + more

Painter of AT-ATs™

Since you can’t possibly make a Thomas Kinkade painting any worse, it stands to reason that it could be made + more

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