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random thoughts

Self-Indulgence Alert

What happens when graphic designers take themselves too seriously? This. Ed Mitchell, who doesn’t like how “discordant” U.S. state flags are as + more

“…you can not imagine the unimaginable.”

2001: A Space Odyssey is a cinematic masterpiece. On this there can be no debate. Reasonable people can disagree as + more

The Tea Song

As a fan of Yorkshire Tea myself, I can certainly vouch for its curative powers. But even I had no + more

And…we’re back.

It’s been a week since I last posted something. Alas, my tardiness is due not to a particularly busy schedule, + more


Red Bull has finally released the full POV video of Felix Baumgartner’s record-breaking jump from the stratosphere. Spock’s burial torpedo + more

Just in Time for Halloween

So. Tunnels have been discovered under Antarctic ice. Oh, sure, they appear to have been “formed from meltwater flowing underneath the ice, over land, + more

These Exist

Sir Lawrence Freedman, KCMG, CBE, PC, FBA, professor of war studies at King’s College London and author of the recently published Strategy: + more

Next Up: Robotic Surgery

When a docent at Richland’s Columbia River Exhibition of History, Science & Technology told me that no one had ever stacked + more

Quote of the Day

“Originality depends on new and striking combinations of ideas. It is obvious therefore that the more a man knows the + more

New Tunes

It’s been a while since I shared any music. And hey—it’s Friday, so why not? Last week I stumbled upon + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I know I just did a grammar post last week, but this needs to be said. (It’ll be quick, I + more


The simplest concepts are often the most difficult to execute—and well-nigh impossible to get past a client. Kudos to both + more

Spokane Scene no. 9

Imagine my joy when I spotted this sign near University High School in Spokane Valley last weekend, prompting as it + more

Walt’s Last Stand

I’m just going to come right out and say it: Breaking Bad is the single greatest television show in the + more


Did residents of North Carolina narrowly miss getting nuked back in 1961? It would appear so. Speaking of explosive power, + more

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