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random thoughts

Happy Birthday, Neighbor

Somehow, we let yesterday slip by without acknowledging an important birthday: Mr. Rogers would have been 85 if he hadn’t + more

Book Review

It’s been a while since we did a book review around here.  And while I’m not quite finished with it + more


Giant demon mosquitoes, awakened from a deep slumber by Tropical Storm Debbie, are heading toward Florida. And they’re not happy. + more

RIP, Symbol of 20th-Century American Awesomeness

Van Cliburn died yesterday. A reluctant cold warrior, the pianist beat the commies at their own game, winning first place + more

We’re Just Hours Away

Hard to believe that, in just three days, SPOMa will finally be opened to the public. Some folks have been waiting for + more

And…It’s Graphics Time

Perhaps you’ve heard of the Modern architecture exhibit we’re guest curating at the MAC. No? Well, then. You can read + more

Happy Birthday, Nina

It’s the High Priestess of Soul’s birthday today. Nina Simone, the devilishly hard-to-categorize singer, songwriter, and arranger who died in + more

The History of Music, Illustrated

A few millennia of music history boiled down to a seven-minute video? I wouldn’t have thought it possible. But apart + more

Thanks a lot, Geoff.

Ah, Valentine’s Day. A holy day of obligation for attached men; weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for single women. + more

Monday Miscellany: Science Edition!

Smackdown! Montana State University paleontologist Jack Horner and Yale Institute for Biospherics postdoctoral fellow Nick Longrich debate the burning question: “Is Torosaurus a + more

Better Late than Never, Right?

So it’s February 2013 already, and I just realized that I neglected to share my top 10 albums from 2012. + more

Der Führer Thron

Florence, New Jersey, population 12,109, is home to one of the more unusual artifacts from World War II: Hitler’s toilet. + more

Human Contact? Who Needs It?

In 1978, a helicopter pilot spotted something deep in the Siberian wilderness that shouldn’t have been there: a large garden. + more

Bigger Vocabulary = Bigger Paycheck

Want to succeed in life? An academic at the University of Virginia recommends expanding your vocabulary. But don’t just grab + more

This Week in “Awww…”

Squee! Shetland ponies wearing cardigans made of Shetland wool! (And a video of them getting dressed for their photo shoot.) + more

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