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random thoughts

On the Creepiness of E-Books

We’ve discussed the perils of electronic books before (here, here, and here, for instance); that they’re a little creepy is + more

Spokane Scene no. 3

Sunday, July 1, Bear Lake Regional Park. Taken with my trusty iPhone.

More Talent than Ever

We’re pleased to announce the addition of Lorri Johnston to our team. A senior designer with small-town roots, deep design + more

Toaster to Table in 90 Seconds

What could possibly go wrong?

Redemption through Reading

It’s official: reading makes you a better person. “Without doubt,” even. And since any revolutionary will tell you that that + more


The fun workstation… just slightly better than the intern’s desk.

Introducing the Newbie

Since our intern now has her first AMD blog post under her belt (see yesterday’s entry), I figured I should + more


My first blog as an intern for AMD! I am excited to be a part of the AMD staff. This + more

Beauty in Intricacy

You don’t have to be a graphic designer to appreciate Japanese letterpress movable type.

Friday Miscellany

Your body contains as much as five pounds of “good” bacteria. The most dangerous vegetables revealed! (Note: near as I + more

“I may have found a way outta here…”

It was 50 years ago today that Frank Morris, along with John and Clarence Anglin, escaped from Alcatraz. Did they + more

Hear, hear!

Over at spiked, Brendan O’Neill offers up a spirited defense of the Queen’s English: “…in order to engage with society, + more

“The eyes of the world are upon you…”

Courtesy of the Naval History & Heritage Command, here are several galleries of images of the Allied invasion of Normandy + more

It’s a “Mom Thing”

The social network with the highest percentage of older users? Linkedin, naturally. What’s a little surprising is who’s in second: + more


I have tasted heaven, and it tastes like a Clayton Burger.

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