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random thoughts

Do You Live in a Bubble?

Charles Murray’s latest book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010, has been getting a lot of attention of + more

In Other News, the Sun Will Rise in the East Tomorrow

File this story under “Duh.” The European Chess Union, in what surely is a calculated response to this stunning turn + more

Yay! Math!

It’s somehow fitting that today, Pi Day (3.14—get it?), we write our 400th blog post. Why? Because 400 is both + more

Spokane Scene

Shot with an iPhone the evening of Friday, March 9, from the alley between Second and Third Avenues, just east + more

The Economics of Shattered iPhones

Here’s a welcome dose of common sense regarding phone protection. Best line: “Our fear drives us to insane lengths to + more

Next Up: Drinkable Cocaine

We’re a little late to this story. Apparently, the AeroShot has been on college campuses (where else?) since January. And + more

Weekend Reading

What do fact-checkers and anesthesiologists have in common? It’s not a joke. David Zweig explains. In a rather long (11,000 + more

A Site Worth Bookmarking

The good news: the New York Times is sharing its photography archive via a Tumblr page called “The Lively Morgue.” + more


“In general, 55 percent of people think it’s OK to talk on the phone while on the toilet. But among + more


There’s only one thing wrong with this story: the words “against all reason.” Based on the voting numbers so far, + more

Useful Information

A heat map of metal bands per 100,000 people. That is all.


I always thought that if one truly were interested in multiculturalism (as in the actual meaning of the word, not + more

Is There a Kosher Version?

From the “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” files comes this story of Dutch scientists, bovine stem cells, and lab-grown animal + more

On the GRAMMYs and the Wretched State of Music in America

I’ve heard it said somewhere that the GRAMMYs are nothing more than a celebration of music for people who don’t + more

Come on, Everyone—You Know the Words

If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to Why don’t you go where fashion sits…  

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