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random thoughts

Offered without Further Comment

“Swedish police called to fight beaver invasion”

Put On Your Party Hats Again

We’ve been doing a lot of celebrating here at the last word. First, it was the news that a Tintin + more

In Spokane, Even the Weather’s a Little Dull

Wanna avoid a natural disaster? Don’t watch “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” Apart from that, it seems your best + more

Happy Birthday, Bob

In honor of Bob Dylan’s 70th birthday today, I humbly submit my choices for the top five Dylan albums of + more

The End Is Near

As reported earlier here at the last word, Saturday is Judgment Day. Scoff if you will, but based on this + more

In Memoriam Gustav Mahler

One hundred years ago today, the composer Gustav Mahler died at the Loew Sanatorium in Vienna—just weeks after being diagnosed + more

Great Snakes!

It’s happening. It’s really, really happening. Please, Mr. Spielberg—don’t ruin this for me.

Read This Post to Further Your Knowledge

It was asked of me today which of the following is correct: “couldn’t be further from the truth” or “couldn’t + more

Interactive Scale of the Universe Tool

Larry Kroger:  Okay. That means that…our whole solar system…could be, like…one tiny atom in the fingernail of some other giant + more

Get Your Geek On

Is there anything cooler than a “5,000 megapixel photograph of the entire night sky stitched together from 37,440 exposures“? Probably + more

Monday Miscellany

What happened when Walt Disney shared his idea for a theme park with a focus group? Pretty much what you’d + more

Philosophical Ruminations

There’s a strange tendency of late to superficially apply “brand” to things that, to my mind, were never meant to + more

Quote of the Week

“Don’t get caught in some false perception of yourself. There will always be another person more gifted than you.”–Thich Nhat + more

Because It’s Tuesday…

…and because Tuesday has no feel. Kramer: What’s today? Newman: It’s Thursday. Kramer: Really? Feels like Tuesday. Newman: Tuesday has + more

Another Tech Bubble…

This is depressing: According to former Facebook “research scientist” Jeff Hammerbacher, “The best minds of my generation are thinking about + more

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