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random thoughts

The Dude Abides

For the most part, I remain indifferent about the mashup genre. But this—The Big Lebowski meets Quincy Jones—is, I have + more

Let’s Sacrifice a Maiden!

It’s official: as of 4:21 p.m. PDT yesterday, spring is here. Which means it’s time for a little Stravinsky. From + more

Should’ve Been Paying Attention

Turns out yesterday’s post about the sublime Low Country Blues is the last word‘s 200th. And we forgot to celebrate. + more

It’s Coming…

Last year around this time I offered a sawbuck to anyone who could explain why we engage in this Daylight + more

The American West, in Pictures

The Denver Post has published some remarkable photographs from the collection of John C. H. Grabill. Shown is one entitled + more

Examine, sniff, taste. Repeat.

This is why the United States of America is the greatest country on earth: “For the next three days, 26 + more

Monday Miscellany

Gallup has come up with a statistical composite for the happiest person in America. Turns out he’s a tall, Asian-American, + more


Quote of the Week

A wry observation from Søren Kierkegaard: “The majority of people are not only afraid of holding a wrong opinion, they + more

Less Is More

Fifty-two years ago today, Miles Davis began recording Kind of Blue, the one jazz album owned by people who don’t + more

This Post for Geeks Only

There’s a certain segment of the population—you know who you are—that will positively swoon at the following sentence: Cthulhu Chick + more

Monday Miscellany: Travel Edition

There are times when the beauty of this region is, quite simply, breathtaking. This weekend was one of those times. + more

Get the Funk Out

What with published authors arguing that stricter copyright laws are needed to produce another Shakespeare, Democratic lawmakers on the lam, + more

Calculated Madness

Reading Garry Kasparov’s review of a new book about Bobby Fischer, I was reminded of William Hartston’s observation that “chess + more

Back to the Future

This is an interesting project: Argentinean photographer Irina Werning “re-enacts” old photos—sometimes decades later—by placing their subjects in similar clothing, + more

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