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the writing life

What This Barrier-Smashing Journalist Just Said Will Blow Your Mind.

You’ve probably heard the term clickbait. If not, you’ve certainly experienced it. You know—those cheesy ads along the margins of + more

Who Could Ask for Anything More?

While there are a lot of reasons for bad writing, the one I most frequently see is a lack of + more

Fear not! We know grammar!

Experts in West Africa are predicting as many as 1.4 million new cases of Ebola by January. The CDC is “doubling down” on + more

Procrastinators of the World, Unite! (Tomorrow)

Anna Della Subin asks the tough questions: “[I]f procrastination is so clearly a society-wide, public condition, why is it always + more

Writers under the Microscope

“The trouble with writing,” concludes Michelle Huneven, “is writing.” Truer words were never spoken. But wait—there’s more: “Writing is difficult + more

It’s the Most Wonderful Time…

Happy National Punctuation Day, everyone. What…you didn’t get me anything? Not to worry: you can make up for it by + more

On Teaching

Though I’ve more than once used this space to extol the virtues of Stephen King’s On Writing (here and here), I + more

Proofreaders of the World Untie!

I’ve long held that proofreading your own work is a fool’s errand. And no, it’s not because I particularly suck + more

The Language Police Strike Again

So the other day the New York Times—you know, America’s “newspaper of record”—relied on anecdotes and hearsay to gravely inform its + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I think this image is a much better way to describe the importance of commas. (artist unknown.) (from What + more

Titling Is Hard!

The Egg, Or The Memoirs Of Gregory Giddy, Esq: With The Lucubrations Of Messrs. Francis Flimsy, Frederick Florid, And Ben + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

On page 147 of my copy of Stephen King’s On Writing are the most important words ever written on the subject: “If + more


I discovered the following from the Twitter feed of A Way with Words, the weekly public radio program. Turns out it came from + more

“Yeah I’m a writer deal with it.”

Want to read “the story of what it means to live in a cultural climate that stifles almost every creative + more

Wow. Just…wow.

Do you think that the Weird Al video I shared last week is funny? Kevin Gallagher, who refers to “garden-variety internet pedants” + more

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