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the writing life

Fear not! We know grammar!

Experts in West Africa are predicting as many as 1.4 million new cases of Ebola by January. The CDC is “doubling down” on + more

Procrastinators of the World, Unite! (Tomorrow)

Anna Della Subin asks the tough questions: “[I]f procrastination is so clearly a society-wide, public condition, why is it always + more

Writers under the Microscope

“The trouble with writing,” concludes Michelle Huneven, “is writing.” Truer words were never spoken. But wait—there’s more: “Writing is difficult + more

It’s the Most Wonderful Time…

Happy National Punctuation Day, everyone. What…you didn’t get me anything? Not to worry: you can make up for it by + more

On Teaching

Though I’ve more than once used this space to extol the virtues of Stephen King’s On Writing (here and here), I + more

Proofreaders of the World Untie!

I’ve long held that proofreading your own work is a fool’s errand. And no, it’s not because I particularly suck + more

The Language Police Strike Again

So the other day the New York Times—you know, America’s “newspaper of record”—relied on anecdotes and hearsay to gravely inform its + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I think this image is a much better way to describe the importance of commas. (artist unknown.) (from What + more

Titling Is Hard!

The Egg, Or The Memoirs Of Gregory Giddy, Esq: With The Lucubrations Of Messrs. Francis Flimsy, Frederick Florid, And Ben + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

On page 147 of my copy of Stephen King’s On Writing are the most important words ever written on the subject: “If + more


I discovered the following from the Twitter feed of A Way with Words, the weekly public radio program. Turns out it came from + more

“Yeah I’m a writer deal with it.”

Want to read “the story of what it means to live in a cultural climate that stifles almost every creative + more

Wow. Just…wow.

Do you think that the Weird Al video I shared last week is funny? Kevin Gallagher, who refers to “garden-variety internet pedants” + more

Word Crimes

The estimable Mike Miller—who handles all programming- and IT-related matters around here—seems to think “Weird Al” Yankovic and I are kindred + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Writing in Cultural Amnesia: Necessary Memories from History and the Arts, the great Clive James points out that, “as Kingsley + more

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