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the writing life

On the Dignity of Work

What I’ve long suspected—that American literature these days is dominated by a bunch of MFA-degreed Nancy boys who publish in + more

How Not to Write Criticism

As someone who once scraped together a modest living as a music critic, I found the premise behind this diatribe + more

Write with Clarity

I’m normally not a fan of burning books, but I think I’d make an exception for The Associated Press Stylebook + more

Beating a Dead Horse

As a followup to last week’s post about beginning sentences with “and,” let me just add one last point for + more

“And the earth was without form, and void…”

Many, many, many times I’ve been told to not begin sentences with “and.” Or any other conjunction, for that matter. + more

Quote of the Day

From Thomas Merton comes this, the sort of statement that would make for a fine mantra—if I believed in the + more

Prepare to Be Grammared

The Boston Globe‘s Erin McKean seems to think that the practice of “verbing”—perhaps the worst thing to happen to the + more

“Human Feeding Can Cause Overcrowding”

So the missus and I were enjoying a picnic in Cannon Hill Park last night when, as I was about + more

Behold the Gender Genie!

Following up on yesterday’s post (scroll down), here’s an application that uses a super-secret algorithm to determine, from a writing + more


I write like Stephen King I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! Well then. Not at + more

“The wood nymph fairies blissfully pranced…”

Speaking of bad writing, it seems the winners of the 2010 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest have been announced. Named for Edward + more

A Word of Warning to Aspiring Writers

To those who read the last word and say, “Hey, I can do that”—and  then wonder what’s to stop them + more

Deep Thoughts

A few years ago, the journal Philosophy and Literature sponsored the Bad Writing Contest, its aim to celebrate “the most + more

Words of Wisdom from an Unlikely Source

Last weekend—and, it turns out, for the first time in my life—I read a Sports Illustrated article from beginning to + more

A Usage Note

So I was reading a news release from a reputable NYSE-listed corporation the other day, and I came across the + more

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