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the writing life

Stop! Grammar Time!

My brother-in-law sent this, from Wikipedia, via email this morning… …with a question: “Is Donald Campbell the son of Malcom + more

We’re Doomed (part 763,842)

Just when I was starting to think that maybe—just maybe—millennials have been unfairly maligned, more evidence emerges that this generation + more

“Will you type curse words?”

From Wesley McNair’s wonderful piece about the late poet Donald Hall and his assistant Kendel Currier, three things are abundantly + more

Pretending to Be Adults

“Not quite a cliché, not quite a term of art,” writes Olga Khazan, “a buzzword is a profound-seeming phrase devised + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

You’ve all heard the rule: “I before E except after C.” But as the great Stephen Fry points out, it’s…not + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This one’s a beast: affect or effect? The simplest answer is that affect is a verb; effect is a noun. + more

A Capital Idea

Kwame Anthony Appiah has an interesting piece over at the Atlantic on language and usage, racial designation as social identity, + more

Time is money. Or something.

“People who don’t write think that writing is just the physical act,” says author Edward P. Jones, “but first come + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

“English is an immensely complicated language to get right,” writes Mark Forsyth, “and native speakers often have no idea of + more

Words of Wisdom

Issue #94 of Nick Cave’s indispensable Red Hand Files tackles the thorny issue of plagiarism—and manages to draw an important + more

Honest Question

Of all my language-related pet peeves—and there are a lot of them, including the term pet peeve—it’s the verbs-as-nouns shift + more

The Creative Life

Here’s more evidence for the theory that messiness and creativity are somehow connected: W. H. Auden was apparently a disgusting + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

About a block from helveticka world headquarters there’s a business that offers “Spokanes only 15 minute workout.” A missing apostrophe, + more

Word of the Day

bricoleur (noun; French) one who creates without the aid of a plan or strategy “Aaron’s such a brilliant writer, I’ll + more

Monday Curmudgeonry

The definition of the word privilege, like that of racism, has lately been stretched so far as to have lost + more

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