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Stop! Grammar Time!

Those who spend any amount of time around me know that I don’t suffer pretentious writers gladly. Like people who + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

With apologies to the missus, who professed to be “oogling” something this morning,* the correct word is ogle, pronounced oh-guhl. + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Courtesy of the inestimable Shirlee Roberts-Downey (peace be upon her), we now have the answer to one of the most + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

I’ve been trying—no, really, I have!—to be less judgmental about typos in print. But inevitably I’ll come across something like + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

For nearly all of my professional writing life, part of my job has included editing others’ work. During that time + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This is your daily reminder that premises, when referring to a tract of land together with its buildings, is already + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Saw this in today’s paper: Coeur d’Alene-based technology company, Rohinni, is under new leadership and is planning to relocate its + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

From today’s edition of the Spokesman-Review: You’ll catch Drew Marquis on Saturday mornings at the Hood River farmers market patiently + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

It brings me no pleasure to point out others’ failings. Really, it doesn’t. (Well…maybe a little.) Either there’s someone named + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

“Omit needless words.” That’s Rule 13 in my copy of Strunk & White’s The Elements of Style (second edition), and + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

Good news: “Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson said Thursday it has applied to the Food and Drug Administration for an + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

It’s been nearly ten years since I patiently explained that one doesn’t “hone in on” anything. And yet somehow none + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

“The old man the boats.” “The prime number few.” “Fat people eat accumulates.” There’s a clever linguistic term for these + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

My brother-in-law sent this, from Wikipedia, via email this morning… …with a question: “Is Donald Campbell the son of Malcom + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

You’ve all heard the rule: “I before E except after C.” But as the great Stephen Fry points out, it’s…not + more

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