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Today in History

On October 23, 1642, Jacob Astley, 1st Baron Astley of Reading and Royalist Commander in the First English Civil War, commenced the Battle of Edgehill with an appeal: “O Lord,” he prayed, “Thou knowest how busy I must be this day. If I forget Thee, do not thou forget me.” Then, with the pleasantries out of the way, he ordered his troops to “March on, boys!”

Though Lord Astley eventually came out on the losing end—surrendering to the Parliamentarians at the Battle of Stow-on-the-Wold in 1646—he survived the conflict and lived another six years.

So I guess he wasn’t forgotten.

“I said my prayers and went to bed / That’s the last they saw of me…”

Out of concern for my wellbeing, my buddy Dave alerted me to some sobering news: Deadheads are being murdered at an alarming rate.

I have thoughts.

First, the present-tense construction of the headline—”Why Are So Many Grateful Dead Fans Being Murdered”—is a bit misleading. We’re talking about cases dating back decades, after all.

Second, having witnessed for myself the “hippie bazaar” of Shakedown Street, I’m not at all surprised at the existence of a criminal element taking advantage of a rather disproportionate number of imprudent, wide-eyed innocents.

Third, since receiving Dave’s text, I’ve taken countermeasures. In addition to beginning an intense course of instruction in Krav Maga tonight, I’ve got the missus training in adaptive pistol combat—and, starting this weekend, half a dozen Dobermans will be patrolling the perimeter of my estate in four-hour shifts.

Because not listening to the Dead is simply not an option.

A Glimmer of Hope

A pandemic with no end in sight. Riots in the streets. Families and friendships torn apart by rank political partisanship. The dumbest presidential election in, like, forever (which is really saying something). Steven Spielberg remaking West Side Story, for God’s sake.

It’s enough to drive one to drink.

Until you realize that there is hope. Someone whose mere countenance is capable of calming inflamed passions; whose words alone can heal the sick (and, let’s be honest, probably cast out demons); whose humility and grace are a model to us all.

Someone who can gather the dispossessed and disconsolate around her, look 2020 in the eye, and tell it to f*** right off.

Praise be to Dolly. May she never leave us.

Handshake Deals, Copyright Law, and Rock and Roll

Somehow, none of the parties involved in this story—about the artist who painted the cover for Jethro Tull’s Aqualung—come out looking all that great.

Burton Silverman was paid $1,500 (a little over $10,000 in today’s dollars) for three paintings. He cashed the check; the record company used the art. All in a day’s work, right? Until Aqualung became a massive success, anyway.

So I have a hard time being sympathetic to the charge that Silverman was somehow wronged. On the other hand, it certainly wouldn’t hurt if Tull’s Ian Anderson—a guy whose net worth is estimated north of $100 million—would just throw Silverman a bone. I mean, to insist that the original agreement was on the up-and-up is one thing; to needlessly disparage one of the most iconic album covers in the history of rock is just…petty.

Quote of the Day

“Those who wring their hands about the decline of the language sometimes worry too much about the wrong things. They observe with horror that people confuse uninterested with disinterested, or don’t know when to say fewer and when to say less, or fumble in their use of the apostrophe or other punctuation marks. I share a due sense of irritation about points like those. But the more meaningful decline of the language doesn’t involve the presence of mistakes. It involves absences that are easier to overlook: the abandonment of half the orchestra, the erosion of rhetorical ability, the dwindling of attention spans, the scarcity of speech that inspires and rouses and strikes deep. A politician rises in a debate and speaks with utter vacuity and with the rhetorical sophistication of an adolescent. The modern guardian of English usage tends to look on without comment or alarm because the statesman was free from error. He was merely terrible.”

Ward Farnsworth, Farnsworth’s Classical English Style (2020)


The 2020 winners of Nikon’s annual Small World photomicrography competition have been announced. Prepare to be dazzled.

Why are some works of art stolen multiple times? Criminal prestige, mostly. But also to be used as leverage in order to reduce potential prison sentences.

Was Richard III “a bully, a thief, and a murderer who usurped the throne by killing the ‘Princes in the Tower’ (the boy-king Edward V and his brother, Richard, Duke of York)”? Or is it more accurate to say that “his vices were exaggerated by Tudor propagandists and that he was a pious Catholic, a courageous soldier, and a conscientious ruler”? Um…yes.

C’mon, folks. 2020 is clearly not the year to be engaging in this sort of nonsense.

Poetry Break

Robert Browning

Oh, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth,
This autumn morning! How he sets his bones
To bask i’ the sun, and thrusts out knees and feet
For the ripple to run over in its mirth;
Listening the while, where on the heap of stones
The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet.

That is the doctrine, simple, ancient, true;
Such is life’s trial, as old earth smiles and knows.
If you loved only what were worth your love,
Love were clear gain, and wholly well for you:
Make the low nature better by your throes!
Give earth yourself, go up for gain above!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

In 1972, my home town of Chewelah, Washington was recognized as an All-America City. As a kid, I remember it was kind of a big deal. Since 1949, The National Civic League annually recognizes ten communities throughout the U.S. that “leverage civic engagement, collaboration, inclusiveness and innovation to successfully address local issues.” Only 14 cities in Washington state have received the award, and—I’m proud to say—Chewelah is by far the smallest. (Not that I’m impressed, but Spokane was named an All-America City three times: 1975, 2004, and 2015. Whatever.)

I recently ran across a copy of the April 19, 1973 edition of The Independent, Chewelah’s weekly newspaper. The issue, which celebrated the award, was filled with congratulatory ads from every mom-and-pop business in Stevens County, including the Chewelah Grange Supply.

Normally I wouldn’t get too excited about a 47-year-old, poorly designed newspaper advertisement. But this one featured a photo of the store’s manager, my dad (center), along with two co-workers—all of whom I later worked with over several summers during high school and college. (My mom served as the company’s bookkeeper for several years.)

Yep. Suitable for framing. And a reminder to never let the newspaper design your company’s ad.

A(nother) Rant

In an otherwise interesting essay reflecting on nearly two decades of running a record label, Alec Hanley Bemis offers up some advice for those considering the same path. Hard to disagree with statements like “Dedicate yourself to learning as much about music that already exists as you do contributing new music to our cultural ecosystem,” “Be skeptical of overnight successes,” and “Creativity is inherently indifferent to money.”

Where Bemis and I part ways, however, is where he asserts that “art is a political act.”

For one thing, can we please, please designate one or two areas of our lives as politics-free zones? I mean, it can’t be a coincidence that our societal dysfunction has only increased as more and more people have insisted on politicizing every damn thing around us. Enough already!

For another, Bemis has committed what appears to be an error of logic. “By definition,” he writes, “art is a form of speech—so art is never apolitical.” That only works if we use the following construction:

premise 1: All speech is political.
premise 2: Art is speech.
conclusion: Therefore, art is political.

Forget about the spuriousness of premise 2 (a “problematic enterprise”); premise 1 is clearly untrue. No matter how you unpack it or deconstruct it or apply critical theory to it, “These pretzels are making me thirsty” just isn’t a political statement.

But I digress.

Art can—and should—be apolitical, if only so that we can get back to judging it on its merits rather than on whether the artist holds the correct political position du jour. Or to prevent it from becoming a cudgel with which to beat up the other side. Think I’m overstating things? Think again.

As usual, Nick Cave has the right perspective: “My music is not designed to reward people for good behaviour, nor do I make music to punish people for bad behaviour. My music is not conditional. It is for everybody, regardless of their actions, good or bad or otherwise.”


Happy Monday! I’ve put together some interesting reads to help you start your week off right. You’re welcome.

Elle Hunt in the Guardian: “For the vast majority of our history, while we roamed the Earth as hunter-gatherers, we enjoyed more leisure time than we do today.” This seems like as good a time as any to remind you that, as Christine Rosen reported way back in 2008, multitasking is a myth.

Speaking of multitasking, did you know that manned torpedoes used to be a thing? I didn’t.

Never mind all that. Greg Ross over at Futility Closet asks the important questions. Like, say, “Can every convex polyhedron be unfolded into a shape that doesn’t overlap itself?” Turns out nobody knows. Here’s more for you math nerds out there.

And speaking of math, I’ve wasted far too much time today on this sweet, sweet Mandelbrot set generator. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


I’m not exactly one of those guys with his finger on the pulse of, well…anything, really. So naturally I’m a little late to the wonders of Tedium. Here on “the dull side of the Internet” you’ll learn that the fake snow on the set of The Wizard of Oz was actually asbestos, read the surprising history of ranch dressing, and ponder the recent disappearance of hidden tracks.

In other words, you’ll waste time. A lot of it. But hey, if it distracts you from politics and keeps you away from social media, that’s a good thing.

Poetry Break

The late Clive James, from his final book The Fire of Joy, out tomorrow:

My understanding of what a poem is has been formed over a lifetime by the memory of the poems I love; the poems, or frag­ments of poems, that got into my head seemingly of their own volition, despite all the contriving powers of my natural idleness to keep them out. I discovered early on that a scrap of language can be like a tune in that respect: it gets into your head no matter what. In fact, I believe, that is the true mark of poetry: you remember it despite yourself.

And here’s James, reading his transcendent “Japanese Maple,” written after he was diagnosed with leukemia.

Here We Go Again

I feel much the same about presidential debates as I do golf: It’s time that I’ll never, ever get back.

For one thing, they’re no longer debates. You know, with argument and discussion and context and logic and, um…facts. If I wanted to watch Kabuki theatre, I’d watch Kabuki theatre—not a couple of septuagenarians preening and posturing in front of a ridiculously self-serious audience while simultaneously dodging every question raised.

Do it Thunderdome-style, though, and I’m down to clown:

So obviously I’ll be skipping tonight’s performance. That doesn’t mean, however, that we won’t mark the occasion. After all, it was only sixty years ago that the very first televised debate was broadcast to the American people. (That’s the one in which, legend has it, those who listened on the radio proclaimed Vice President Richard Nixon the winner, while those who watched it on TV thought JFK had prevailed.)

More important though, it that it’s also the sixtieth birthday of Nixon’s half-eaten sandwich—one of our greatest, if largely unsung, national treasures:

But I digress. If, like me, you miss the days when candidates practiced the gentle art of persuasion—when it wasn’t so hard to tell the difference between a presidential debate and a WWE Smackdown—maybe tonight you should watch this instead:

What we do…

As the decades have come and gone, I’ve had my hands on a majority of the projects that have passed through these walls. But I have done my best to steer clear of one domain: writing. That’s Aaron’s kingdom.

Per the rules, however, I am supposed to write at least two blog posts per year. And apparently I completely forgot 2019. (Maybe all the chaos in 2020 is my fault? Nah, I’m not that powerful.)

Hopefully, this should make up for this gross oversight. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and enjoy.

Happy National Punctuation Day®!

Big day today, everyone—big day: “A celebration of the lowly comma, correctly used quotation marks, and other proper uses of periods, semicolons, and the ever-mysterious ellipsis.”

How will you mark (Get it? Mark?) the occasion? Founder Jeff Rubin has a game plan. I for one wouldn’t mind tucking into the Official Meatloaf of National Punctuation Day.

But honestly, I’d be happy if more people took the opportunity of this glorious holiday to repent and forswear the comma splice—by far the most common punctuation crime committed in these parts. (I, um…may have ranted about this from time to time.)

Change can only begin with awareness, after all. And awareness, wrote zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, “is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.”

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