Is this a thing? I mean, that’s cool and all—we certainly won’t judge. Back in the 70s and 80s, though, attracting men with scented hair was a whole lot easier:
Wait a sec. Maybe the sign originally read “Let us put some pizzazz into your hair.” That makes a little more sense, I suppose.
pizzazz n. Informal 1. Dazzling style; flamboyance; flair. 2. Vigorous spirit; energy or excitement. [Origin unkown.]
There was a windstorm on Saturday—the day I took the photo—which may have randomly blown a couple of Zs off the sign. Or perhaps some neighborhood miscreants are having a little fun at Georgie Girls’ expense.
On the other hand, Wikipedia tells us that Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific shampoo had a “strong floral scent,” which further raises the question as to what sort of 1970s man, raised on John Wayne movies and still stinging from his morning splash of Hai Karate, would find the fragrance of flowers “terrific.”
After all, given a choice between that and a woman whose untamed mane smelled of pepperoni and anchovies, well…I think the answer is pretty obvious.
posted by: Aaron Bragg | category: random thoughts | make a comment